Nieuws van Yuki Sunada

I read the article from Edward on Asahi a few month ago. I am so happy for him.

I say hello to all Sakura members. The following is an additional message to them
You might have seen on facebook but I have finished the screenings in Hiroshima for a week and Tama city, Tokyo for a day. 300 people including the Tama city mayor came to the screening.  It was quite successful.
I have news for you: Moesson will write a special article about the film in 4 page long (Two page will be my photographs) and three characters’ names are mentioned. (I informed all of them).
JIN and Sakura will be mentioned as well in the article.
The screening info in Chasse Cinema in Breda at 19.30 on Sep. 6 will be put at the end of the article.
Since it is an editorial, I do not know what she wrote but the editor is a heartwarming person with  a great insight. She understands the importance of the film, so the article should be good.  Hope that it is going to be a good PR and more people come to the screening in Breda,and it will open the door to the screenings in the Netherlands.

The following link is a message from an audience in Hiroshima. After the screening, he came to me and left a message to Mary. I believe that this is a message to you all, too, so I send a link to you. Sorry without subtitle but it is 30 sec. long and the following translation (see below) may work. It is worth watching even just with English.

Message from an audience
The film was picked up in local news paper, He was not the only orphan who came to the theater. Next day, I talked about this episode about a orhphan leaving a message after the screening on stage. Then, the other woman came to me with tears and said ‘ I am a war orphan, too’,  Hiroshima is a special place. It was not a big surprise that much more people came to the theater than Osaka and Tokyo.

The translation of the video is as follows:
This is a message to Mary san. I am an orphan. I do not know who my mother and my father are but I am living vigorously.  Mary san, at least you have a mother, so you do not need to feel negatively. Please live strong.  Chin up!  Go for it!

A big hug

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